Chaz Hutton’s ‘Ideas of Note’
Hilarious Life Musings in Post-it-Note Drawings

Chaz Hutton’s Ideas of Note (based on his popular Instagram account) is a charmingly funny little book, with hilarious life musings in the form of cartoon drawings on Post-it notes. A perfect addition to your collection of books to impress your dinner-party guests that sits casually and artfully strewn on your coffee table, this one will have you giggling in the knowledge that you’re not the only one who gloriously procrastinates on the internet at work, or pretends to know what your job title actually means, or participates in any other such practice that reveals your lack of understanding how to “adult.” Self-proclaimed as the type of book you might leaf through in the store as you wait for a partner or friend to finish whatever it is they’re doing, Ideas of Note delivers on its promise to help you waste time with gusto, whether at work, home, or out in the big, bad world.