It’s been a long time since October 31, 1972, when the Isla Vista Recreation & Park District (IVRPD) was formed and funded by the Isla Vista electorate, and now the Isla Vista Community Services District (IVCSD) has entered the Isla Vista Adventure.
How exciting that you are meeting together:
JOINT MEETING OF THE IVRPD BOARD AND THE IVCSD BOARD TO ROLLOUT THE ISLA VISTA COMMUNITY IMPACT COLLABORATIVE’S (IVCIC) OPPORTUNITY MATRIX: Please join the IVRPD and IVCSD Board of Directors as we host many other community stakeholders to discuss the Opportunity Matrix. Our facilitators will be the Legacy Works Group. The Opportunity Matrix was made possible by a grant from the Santa Barbara Foundation secured by the UCSB Art Dept., UCSB Administration, IVRPD and the IVCSD. We would like to thank and acknowledge the efforts of the many dedicated community volunteers, both current and past, whose work was accessed to help identify the priority needs facing the community.