Bomb Squad Responds to Suspicious Device in Isla Vista
Backpack Contained Possible Pipe Bomb
UPDATE: 4:30 p.m., August 22: According to the Sheriff’s Office, “At approximately 1:45 p.m., the Sheriff’s Bomb Squad rendered the suspicious device safe and determined it to be a string of D batteries wrapped in silver duct tape with a cord coming out of the bottom. It is unclear at this time as to whether the device was actually being used as a makeshift power source or if it was created to look like a destructive device. The Sheriff’s Office has no indication to believe that anyone was specifically targeted as a victim.”
Original story:
A backpack abandoned in Anisq’Oyo’ Park contained what appeared to be a pipe bomb, prompting authorities to evacuate parts of central Isla Vista earlier today. According to the Sheriff’s Office, a parks employee discovered the backpack and delivered it to Isla Vista Foot Patrol headquarters, at 6504 Trigo Road, where authorities identified the suspicious device within before calling the county Bomb Squad. The headquarters were evacuated, as were surrounding businesses and residences. Students and others also were notified via text alerts and the [county’s] Aware & Prepare system, according to a statement.