Deus ex Parking Machina
I attended the City Planning Commission meeting on July 19, and I witnessed firsthand how the commission vests itself with details and how it values view resources. To wit, I heard a commissioner ask: “What type of dirt is under the deck?” With that in mind, I can’t believe the project by DesignARC made it before the commission as the next agenda item.
The application by DesignARC entailed 52 units plus more than 6,000 square-feet of commercial space in the area bordered by Garden, Anapamu, and Figueroa streets.
Obviously, there is no parking for 52 additional cars in this area. The developers presented a few artistic renderings of the deus ex machina by which they’d supply parking: car elevators, aligned in series.
This is not a viable solution for parking. Suspension of disbelief aside, what would happen during an emergency evacuation? At what frequency and duration would cars need to vacate for maintenance? What would the service contract entail, and what would be the pass-through cost to renters for this arrangement? Do the measurements for cars take into account bikes, kayaks, surfboards, roof storage pods, and other lifestyle fittings?
Fundamentally, the developers lack a real solution to supply parking for 52 units plus commercial space at the corner of Anapamu and Garden. If they need to resort to what they showed in their cartoons, then it’s clear from the developers’ presentation itself that the proposal is plain too big for the neighborhood.
No parking, no project. Right? I urge my neighbors to make their voices heard at this time by writing and/or attending these meetings.