Happy Birthday, Montecito Fire
I was thrilled to read about the honoring of the Montecito Firefighters Maeve Juarez, who received an award for valor alongside fellow Montecito Fire paramedic/firefighter Andrew Rupp, who rescued 14-year-old Lauren Cantin. These are two of many of our local heroes who make our community safe.
The Montecito Fire Department is 101 years old this year and wants to celebrate this by having a party! On Sunday, November 18 at 6 p.m. at the Coral Casino, they will be honoring the community members that helped them thru the difficult debris flow aftermath: Abe Powell and the Bucket Brigade, Taiana Giefer and the Recovery Free Store, Ty Warner for his support of his employees and the fire department, and Travis Twing who placed large equipment throughout the village for people to use to help dig themselves and others out of the mud. All these people made the difference!
I am really excited to honor them, meet the fabulous firefighters and dance all night to our hometown band “Area 51!”
I hope others feel the same and will buy tickets to help raise money for the Montecito Firefighters Charitable Foundation.
You can go to montecitofirefightersfoundation.com and get a ticket today! They are almost sold out, but try anyway. Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones!
It takes a village to heal a community, and Montecito is the perfect place to watch this happen daily. Healing and gratitude are abundant!