Paisley Shoemaker, Court-Reporting Intern
Interesting Stories Are Often Hiding Just Beneath the Surface

Name: Paisley Shoemaker
Title: Court Reporting Intern
Why do you gravitate toward court reporting? What interests you about it? After college, I plan to go to law school. Having the opportunity to go to the courthouse and research cases, interview attorneys, and try to get the scoop on different stories as a reporter allows me to interact with a field that truly interests me.
What’s the most interesting case you’ve written about or researched? The most interesting case I’ve researched concerned a country club getting sued for negligence after one of its members accidentally struck another member in the head with a golf club on the driving range.
As your internship wraps up, what’s your biggest takeaway from the experience? Be curious. Interesting stories are hiding just beneath the surface if you dig a little.