Veterans Resources and Drive-Through Distribution
Santa Maria Stand-Down Joined by Locations in Santa Barbara and Lompoc

A drive-through version of the annual Veterans Stand Down takes place this year on Veterans Day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. In years past, the Stand Down offered services, a meal, and camaraderie to hundreds of veterans of all ages and backgrounds, but the pandemic has limited the event to a distribution to people rolling by in their cars.
Donations are still being accepted at the Santa Maria event website, and especially in need this year are personal hygiene producst such as soaps and shampoos, toothbrushes and toothpaste, socks, T-shirts, and also small gift cards and the year’s top need — face coverings or masks.
While the event takes place around the nation, in Santa Barbara County, the drive-throughs pop-up at the Santa Barbara Job Center at 130 East Ortega Street, Goodwill Industries in Lompoc at 1009 North H Street, and the county building in Santa Maria at 511 East Lakeside Parkway. At the location in Santa Maria, two housing providers on hand and a jobs placement agency will also be on hand.
For veterans who are seeking to update their resume, practice for job interviews, or find resources, a library card allows access to JobNow and VetNow from Brainfuse through the Goleta and Santa Ynez libraries and the California State Library. To access the information, click here.