Welcome, Norah Elizabeth Lee
Marketing Director Emily Lee Welcomes Her First Baby

Norah Elizabeth Lee, the newest addition to the Independent’s rapidly growing team of kids, was born to the Marketing Director Emily Lee on March 23. That happens to be her mom’s birthday as well, so the happy family can look forward to many years of double celebrations. Emily answered a few of our questions about her firstborn.
How did you decide on the name Norah? Were there other contenders? My husband and I listened to a lot of Norah Jones during 2020 and 2021, especially on weekend mornings while making breakfast. We loved how her music would set the tone for our day. When we were brainstorming names, I suggested Norah. We had a few other contenders, but ultimately we both kept coming back to Norah. It just felt right to us.
Does Norah have any nicknames? We call her Mummies and Miss Norah the most.
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What are some of the things you are doing as a family now that she’s here? We try to get out of the house at least once a day, which usually means a family walk around our neighborhood. It’s been so nice lately with all the flowers blooming!
Does Norah have any special habits that you find remarkable? When she is done eating and is full, Norah will hold her hands over her belly and smile. It’s the cutest thing.
What are you looking forward to doing with her once she’s a little older? We would love to take her camping in the fall. That’s something that we’ve been looking forward to doing for a while. We love to camp and I’m excited to introduce it to her early on.
How does it feel to be a mom now? I’m sure every parent says this, but I truly have never felt more exhausted or more love in my life. Our cat, on the other hand, still looks at me like, “This has been fun, but when is she leaving?” He’s still warming up to her.

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