Lozano: A New Direction
On June 7, voters will have a chance to decide who will best represent parents, students, and taxpayers as our next Superintendent of Schools.
Much is at stake. For far too long, public education in the United States has been defined by partisanship, with union interests superseding and dominating all other considerations. These unions place their own interests over those of the parents who pay their salaries and the students whom they view as nothing more than a pretext for doing so. Is this system working? Clearly not in Santa Barbara County: Over half of the more than 67,000 students in our public schools are performing below state achievement levels. In the face of this, it’s difficult to fathom how anyone who is awake, sober, and paying attention could make the case that what we need is to re-elect incumbent Susan Salcido.
On the other hand, Christy Lozano would eliminate partisan interests and influence in a key county within the unions’ most politically strategic state. Lozano will deliver education back to the taxpayers who fund education, to the parents whose children are its reason for being, and to the legions of teachers who are committed to serving with excellence yet find themselves in an uphill battle against a system designed to accommodate the lowest common denominator.
Unsurprisingly, Lozano has been fielding all manner of increasingly desperate attempts to thwart the election of someone who is a threat to the union interests. Myriad hit pieces in the Independent should be seen for what they are: a call for preservation of the same union-backed myopic mismanagement, anti-parent/anti-student racketeering, and utter incompetence that has brought us to this point — and keeps us here.
Vote for taxpayers, parents, students, and good teachers. Vote for Christy Lozano on June 7.