Please Vote Yes on Measure B
For the sake of my daughter and all the children in Goleta who deserve safe and clean places for recreation, I’m supporting Measure B on Goleta’s November 8 ballot.
Goleta needs more funding for both active and passive recreation. Case in point is our wonderful Lake Los Carneros preserve. For over a year the wooden bridge connecting trails at the eastern end of the reserve is no longer in service because it needs to be rebuilt. Similarly, the path on the dam and leading to the path to Stow House is a mess of potholes and broken asphalt. Why? Lack of funding.
And you don’t have to go very far to find one of Goleta’s 12 creeks that are unsafe. They are badly in need of clearing of trash, other debris, and animal waste that eventually all flow down to the ocean, fouling our beaches and the ocean itself. Goleta’s budget is short on these crucial items and many more.
Yes, the COVID economic slowdown tightened Goleta’s budgets. But Goleta has an opportunity to secure new revenue, in order to provide the recreation and safety our kids and adults deserve. Measure B would provide millions in funding annually by bringing Goleta’s sales tax in line with all the cities around us. And what’s really important is that the additional tax money will stay in Goleta and be used only for Goleta.
Please vote yes on Measure B to help us all preserve and benefit from Goleta’s natural wonders.
I love and appreciate Goleta The Goodland!