Five Steps to Evolutionary Social Change
A Movement for the Common Good of the World

We have reached a critical juncture in human existence. As we strip Earth’s resources and contaminate her environments, we destroy her ability to support life, including our own. If we don’t rapidly and fundamentally change our ways, grave suffering will engulf us all. So, change we must. And we can.
Fundamental social change requires massive cooperative, not competitive, efforts. Unfortunately, heads of state, industry, and finance control obsolete structures that favor competition and reward irresponsibility. The very systems we depend upon for survival have proven to be destructive to just that. These systems must be changed. Yet those best positioned to pioneer social change are the least likely to.
That means you and I, We, The People — as Sir Winston Churchill admonished — must be the ones to “Take up the Mantle of Change, for this is Your time.” Indeed. This is “our” time. We must embrace transformational change with such passion, persistence, and technological ingenuity, that even those who inevitably oppose it will be rendered incapable of quelling its evolution.
To change the world, to replace obsolete systems with new ones, requires viewing the world as a unified whole and agreeing to operate new social systems subject to broadly held goals of guidance. These goals must be so pure that most people will be thrilled to join a movement that envisions, and enables, evolutionary levels of social change. The process requires doing five things:
First, a few visionaries engage to define goals that guide and bond communities of the future, outlining the broad parameters of how new systems of governance, commerce and finance will operate. Elders are engaged with other visionaries to draft a constitution that enables a global system of governance to oversee a broad set of regulations generally defining how new systems of governance, commerce and finance will operate, creating a blueprint of change based upon a few commonly held goals.
Second, we build a movement purposed to inspire actions for the common good that unify billions who possess a burning desire to help create an ethically rich, socially just global community in harmony with nature. With a clearly defined blueprint in hand, encrypted online crowdfunded communities become platforms upon which the world’s peoples unite. And we need not start from scratch.
Millions of progressive movements already exist with hundreds of millions of members focused on creating better ways of being. Although their communities are divided, their core purposes are the same — helping us be better at being human.
Your obligation is to convince their leaders to recognize the wisdom of joining forces and blending resources to create an indomitable movement bonded by the same foundational goals. Do so, and you will help enable a global movement of fundamental social change. Do so, and every living Earth-being will benefit.
Next, formalize one system of global governance purposed to secure the well-being of everyone.
We interact at multiple levels — from two neighbors in the smallest village to global systems that engage billions. Every interaction requires agreements defining acceptable rules of engagement — that’s Governance.
Governance exists to manage how we do most things. Evolved systems eliminate outside influence, mandate that those choosing careers in governance be educated to govern, and importantly — hold all decision-makers responsible for foreseeable harms they cause.
A constitution crafted within the umbrella of The Movement helps to define “how” a global society works by establishing broad yet uniformly applicable regulations ensuring that every system is enabled to achieve its respective goals. Presented with foundational documents designed to evolve over time to make a more perfect union, individuals, communities, and even existing nations will choose to become members of this evolving global community.
Done well, this system eliminates inequality and preserves the unique identity of every community which operates their own sub-systems of governance within the general parameters of the larger system.
Every system of governance is structured to take direction, not from corporations or bankers or faith leaders, but directly from The People. This is accomplished via Annual Peoples’ Surveys within every community stating and prioritizing their respective needs, which local representatives are mandated to secure.
When the time is right, these already networked outpost communities will unite to form a single system of governance that oversees global supply chains and re-visioned financial systems. Of course, having a directive survey does little if those of local governance are not “enabled” to achieve their directives, which brings us to the ultimate requisite step.
Change how we use money. The fate of humanity will be determined by whether we succeed in creating entirely new monetary systems.
Money is a tool envisioned to enable trade. Today, most money is created with strings attached by a few who limit its availability to profit at the expense of everyone else. We, however, can choose to use it to promote the common good through systems of global finance that deploy it without limitation, debt, or fees.
Modernized monetary systems are forward-looking. They utilize highly encrypted blockchain technologies to deploy money through specific funds managed to finance the production and delivery of every product and service necessary to meet our needs. Money is digitally created, works its way through the system, and decays out of circulation once it has completed its mission, eliminating the lie that “we can’t afford to ____” (fill in the blank).
Money used this way will save lives, prevent starvation, eliminate war, end taxation, reverse climate heating, revitalize Earth’s life support systems, build living communities, address the refugee crisis, and establish state-of-the-art health care and education systems accessible to everyone. The list of benefits to humanity by simply changing how we agree to use money is endless.
The bottom line is that it is up to us to design new monetary systems that deliver funds in socially acceptable ways without the possibility of unjust enrichment, which brings us to the final transformational step.
Create ever-evolving systems of commerce subject to a common set of rules designed to ensure that every business operates as efficiently as technologically feasible at any given point in time using only best practices methodologies.
Systems of governance set rules that eliminate inequalities by equalizing wages for the same services wherever rendered. Systems of finance fund the operations enabling systems of commerce to evolve when technologically feasible. Everyone is paid a living wage ensuring that everyone can live a dignified life in evolved societies the world over.
The solutions to ending human suffering and creating a peaceful, thriving society are available to us right now. Our ability to change the world will depend upon your willingness to help. Recognize the necessity of establishing a global sovereign. Agree to use money as an unlimited resource to catalyze human evolution. Join The Movement. And, do one thing every day to help create the future most want and so many desperately need. It can happen.
This article just touches on the surface of the processes necessary to create transformational social change. To learn more about how you can help create the future your children’s children deserve, I invite you to read my book Outposts of Change and then visit our website: to join The Movement.