Funk Zone Proposal Appealed to Coastal Commission
Critics claim the restaurant and retail development at 11 Anacapa Street doesn’t provide enough parking.
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Critics claim the restaurant and retail development at 11 Anacapa Street doesn’t provide enough parking.
Gwen Stauffer steps down after 11 years overseeing operations at the famous garden.
The city is taking a hard look at liquor stores, corner markets, gas stations, and grocery stores selling wine, beer, and spirits.
Santa Barbara’s shop owners celebrate a comeback from the Thomas Fire’s smoke and haze.
The landlord’s hotel proposal got a last-minute reprieve at Tuesday’s City Council meeting.
Former Montecito Union school boardmember Gwyn Lurie and a team of investors amassed $2.3 million to buy the paper outright.
Acme Hospitality’s Sherry Villanueva will be taking over the longtime watering hole and dining spot.
Ray Mahboob is ready for his close-up amid acclaim for lower Anacapa Street project.
Visit Santa Barbara’s summit forecasts another year of increased visitation and reveals new business plan.
The 117,000 square-foot store contains the goods South Coast shoppers have had to go to Ventura to find.