Citizen’s Alert
Thu., Feb. 16 Larry Crandell Roast: The Public Education
Foundation hosts dinner and cocktails to salute and roast “Mr.
Santa Barbara.” $45/person. 5-7:30pm. Cabrillo Arts Center. Call
Dems Under 35: Inaugural meeting of the S.B. County Young
Democrats. 6:30-8:30pm. MLK Room, Eastside Library. Email
SBCC Lecture Series: Features Alice O’Connor, professor, UCSB
history dept., on How Many Fronts Can We Manage? 7:30-9:30pm. Room
14, Tannahill Auditorium, Schott Center. Call 687-0812.
Fri., Feb. 17 Movies for Peace: Veterans for Peace and others
show Confessions of an Economic Hitman. 7:30pm. 6647 El Colegio,
I.V. Call 968-1965.
Sat., Feb. 18 Weekly Peace Action: March for world peace.
11:30am. Vera Cruz Park. Call 965-4636. Humanist Society: Robert
Shapiro, NYU professor of chemistry, discusses Science and Myth in
the Origin of Life. 3pm. Vista del Monte Patio Room, 3775 Modoc Rd.
Tue., Feb. 21 Nuclear Age Peace Foundation: Presents a lecture
by Nobel Peace Prize recipient Mairead Corrigan Maguire. 8pm.
Corwin Pavilion, UCSB. Call 965-3443.
Wed., Feb. 22 Save the Steelhead: Public invited to 24th Annual
Salmonid Restoration Conference, focusing on urban creeks and
healthy watersheds, through Feb. 25. Veterans Memorial Building.
Thu., Feb. 23 Water Gone Wild: S.B. Wild and Scenic Film
Festival offers films on coastal development, the state’s biggest
waterfalls, and river restoration. 7-10pm.Veterans Memorial
Building. Call 403-8830. Ongoing
Fiscal Fix: Apply by Feb. 22 for the 2006-07 Assembly Fellowship
Program. Work on fiscal and policy issues in an assemblymember’s
Capitol Hill or committee office, and attend a weekly academic
seminar, earning 12 graduate credits from California State
University. Monthly stipend and benefits. Visit