Devon Claire Flannery

DEVILISHLY CLEAR: Devon Claire Flannery does what Independent interns doincluding but not limited to research, writing, editing, and running off on a moment’s notice to see if a given event is newsworthy. But what she really wants to do is copyedit. Flannery, whose love of proper punctuation and well-placed modifiers previously aided her when she edited at UCSB’s Daily Nexus, remembers her time in the office under Storke Tower fondlyespecially when Jerry Roberts arrived as publications director. “He’s the coolest person ever,” Flannery said. “And it was interesting to see the News-Press scandal affect someone on a personal level.” Flannery graduated from UCSB with a political science major this June and has been adjusting to life downtown, as opposed to in Isla Vista. “I’m uncomfortable not having the walls of my bedroom vibrate from loud music,” she said of her new digs. “It’s hard to fall asleep.”