Don’t Ban BMX
Nick Welsh wrote on November 19 about the Planning Commission’s hearing of the Draft Environmental Impact Report for proposed Elings Park changes [News, “Elings Park Expansion Shot Down“].
While some thought that the EIR failed to adequately consider alternatives, most speakers simply complained that existing events were too noisy, too bright, and lasted too long into the evenings. Nobody explicitly identified the existing BMX biking track as a cause of complaints. However, many complained that moving the track to the southern part of the park would result in unacceptable noise and light problems.
Either the BMX track is a problem or it isn’t. If it’s a cause of problems, why did nobody say it was? If it’s not a problem, why do those who don’t want it in Elings Park South suddenly find it so?
To be clear, the proposed new BMX track would be about 600 feet north of Cliff Drive, and 680 feet from the nearest residence. It will be further from residences than it currently is, so if it’s a problem, moving it further from homes will be an improvement. It will occupy one percent of the Elings Park South land, and new trees and landscaping will surround it.
My concern is that the existing BMX track will be replaced with new soccer fields, and it will not find a new home elsewhere, leaving local kids with one less opportunity to keep active, healthy, and out of trouble. – Ralph Fertig