Eucalyptus Down!
Open letter to neighbors of Birnam Wood Golf Club, where, outside of the entrance, multiple giant eucalyptus trees are being cut down.
“I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” –Luke 19:45
The destruction of these trees, out of fear, is uncalled for. They have been with us before any one of us were settled in Montecito. My mother, Ampara Villareal, who is 90 years of age, well in memory and mind, lives with us at 2158 East Valley Road; she recalls the walks along the lane of eucalyptus trees here on East Valley at the tender age of five. She wept when she saw the destruction of the trees; we all wept.
We encourage you to reconsider your decision to destroy these trees, which were created for our pleasure and sight. Perhaps trimming or topping would be a better solution. These beautiful old eucalyptus trees have withstood multiple systems of weather and will continue to do so; why destroy them now after all these years?
Again we ask that you consider other options. As members of the Montecito Trails Foundation and Montecito Association, we encourage you to set up a meeting to discuss such a devastating decision. We stand united against the destruction of the trees.—Yolanda, Robert, and John Clements, and Amparo Villareal