Political Animals
Cast Your Vote with Animals in Mind
The upcoming election on June 8 is your chance to show you care about animals. Animal advocate Lee Heller recently clued me in on which candidates will support animal issues.
2nd District County Supervisor: Janet Wolf
Janet Wolf is running for re-election for 2nd district county supervisor. Wolf has been wonderfully supportive on animal issues. She has shown herself to be willing to work hard in support of animal causes. Wolf was clear in her support of a spay/neuter ordinance. When the puppy abuse case hit the papers in early April, her office was quick to respond and make sure that Animal Services was taking the appropriate action. Wolf made a point of attending the Wags N’ Whiskers Adoption Festival and the K9 PALS shelter remodel ribbon cutting, to show her support. We need her to remain on the Board of Supervisors if we want to make future policy changes on behalf of Santa Barbara County’s animals.
State Assembly—Democratic Primary: Das Williams or Susan Jordan
Both Susan Jordan and Das Williams (currently sitting on the Santa Barbara City Council) are likely to be strong and committed advocates on animal issues. Their records overall are quite similar, although Susan Jordan’s work has been more limited to environmental issues, while Das Williams, as a city council member and because of his general interests, has also been involved with education, health care, and a broader palette of social issues. Williams has been responsive and creative in helping with animal issues, including a threatened cut to City Animal Control, and getting the new County spay/neuter ordinance on the City Council agenda. Both have the endorsements of the major environmental organizations. The Women’s Political Committee has endorsed Jordan; Williams has most of the Democratic Party endorsements. Both Jordan and Williams are strong individuals who would fight hard for animals, carrying or supporting animal legislation.
Proposed Ban on Federal Government Purchasing of Animal Products from Inhumane Farming Conditions (HR4733)
HR4733, the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act, authored by Elton Gallegly and Diane Watson. This act would prohibit the federal government from purchasing animal products from producers that use inhumane forms of confinement: namely, gestation crates for pigs, veal crates for veal calves, and battery cages for laying hens. Such a prohibition would help to motivate the industry (for whom the federal government is a big customer) to move in the direction of more humane farming practices. The state of California enacted a ban on the above forms of confinement in 2008, with the passage of Proposition 2. Prop 2 passed with more than 70 percent of the vote in our County.
Please write to Congresswoman Lois Capps and urge her to co-sponsor this bill.
Letters can be sent to:
Congresswoman Lois Capps
1110 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Contact her office via email through this web form:
By casting your ballot for those who make animal-friendly policies, you are truly making a difference in the lives of animals!

Adoptable Pet of the Week
Fanny, a four-year-old brown medium-haired tabby, is an elegant lady with long whiskers and a luxurious coat. She is quite friendly, but living at the shelter has made her a little stir crazy—she would love to be able to roam your home! She tolerates other cats but probably would be best as an only cat in an adult home.
To learn more about Fanny, call the Santa Barbara Animal Shelter Assistance Program (ASAP) at 683-3368 or visit their website at asapcats.org. ASAP is located at the S.B. Animal Shelter, 5473 Overpass Road (just beyond the Humane Society). Regular business hours are Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; closed Sundays.