Fiesta Crime Stats
No Major Incidents; Police Credit Strong Presence and Countermeasures
As far as crime went, Fiesta this year was relatively quiet.
There was no gang-related violence, police spokesperson Paul McCaffrey said, and no major assaults with deadly weapons. Tens of thousands of revelers, he went on, could safely enjoy themselves with the knowledge that patrolling city police officers were around virtually every turn.
The sense of security, said McCaffrey, was fostered by specific pieces of strategy within the overall game plan of public safety: a strong presence of city police officers, county Sheriff’s deputies, CHP officers, and UCSB police; a number of officers on bikes and motorcycles; the recruitment of gang enforcement personnel from the Santa Barbara and Ventura Sheriff’s Offices, Santa Maria and Lompoc Police Departments, State Parole offices, as well as Santa Barbara and Ventura Probation Departments; and a Communications Center to coordinate them all.
Here’s a breakdown of arrests made and citations issued over the course of Fiesta 2010’s five days:
And, for comparison’s sake, here are 2009’s numbers: