2010 Santa Barbara Foundation Grant Recipients
Allocations from January 1, 2010 – November 15, 2010
The new discretionary grant making system at the Santa Barbara Foundation is a dynamic, nimble enterprise, assisting over 300 organizations who serve our community. Our grant making includes one annual distribution of impact grants and monthly grant cycles for smaller requests. Additionally, the Santa Barbara Foundation supports nonprofits through leadership trainings, workshops and conferences. Student Aid and long-term initiatives are also part of our $8 million in discretionary funds.
Impact Grants- $2,373,690
Impact Grants are the centerpiece of our discretionary giving. Our priority is to make a significant community impact by addressing critical community challenges and compelling community needs.
˗ Allan Hancock College Foundation
˗ Alliance for Living and Dying Well
˗ Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association
˗ Anti-Defamation League Foundation
˗ Artspace (Center Stage)
˗ Boys & Girls Club of Santa Maria Valley
˗ Built Green Santa Barbara
˗ Carrillo Counseling Services, Inc.
˗ Catholic Charities of Los Angeles
˗ Central Coast Literacy Council
˗ Child Abuse Listening Mediation, Inc.
˗ Coastal Housing Coalition
˗ Community Health Centers of the Central Coast
˗ Community Partners In Caring
˗ Cuyama Valley Family Resource Center
˗ Domestic Violence Solutions for Santa Barbara County
˗ EasyLift Transportation
˗ Ensemble Theatre Project
˗ Environmental Defense Center
˗ Endowment for Youth Committee
˗ Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara
˗ Foodbank of Santa Barbara County
˗ Friendship Adult Day Care Center
˗ Good Samaritan Shelter
˗ Isla Vista Youth Projects
˗ Jodi House
˗ Marian Medical Center Foundation
˗ Marjorie Luke Theater
˗ Old Mission Santa Barbara
˗ PCPA Foundation
˗ Pacific Pride Foundation
˗ Parent Institute For Quality Education
˗ Peoples’ Self-Help Housing Corporation
˗ Postpartum Education for Parents
˗ Santa Barbara Channelkeeper
˗ Santa Barbara Family Care Center
˗ Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
˗ Santa Barbara Partners in Education
˗ S.M.O.O.T.H.
˗ Santa Ynez Valley People Helping People
˗ WillBridge of Santa Barbara
˗ Transition House
˗ United Boys and Girls Clubs of Santa Barbara County
˗ Regents of the University of California, Santa Barbara
Monthly “Opportunity” Grants- $517,670
Monthly Opportunity Grants – including mini-grants, organizational grants, emergency grants, and timely opportunity grants – are offered for organizational or program development. Recipients can use these grants for a variety of activities that strengthen and improve efficiency and effectiveness.
˗ 1in6, Inc.
˗ Adventures in Caring Foundation
˗ AIDS Housing Santa Barbara
˗ Angels Foster Care of Santa Barbara
˗ Association of Fundraising Professionals
˗ Boxtales Theatre Company
˗ Boys & Girls Club of Santa Maria Valley
˗ Casa Esperanza Homeless Center
˗ Center for Cognitive Fitness & Innovative Therapies
˗ Center for Successful Aging
˗ Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens
˗ Child Abuse Listening Mediation, Inc.
˗ Children’s Creative Project
˗ Children’s Museum of Santa Barbara
˗ Cielo Foundation for the Performing Arts
˗ Citizens Planning Foundation of Santa Barbara County
˗ Cleveland Elementary School
˗ Coalition for Sustainable Transportation
˗ Coastal Housing Coalition
˗ Conflict Solutions Center of Santa Barbara County
˗ Council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse
˗ Council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse
˗ County of Santa Barbara Arts Fund
˗ Court Appointed Special Advocates of Santa Barbara County
˗ Cuyama Christian Academy
˗ Doctors Without Walls – Santa Barbara Street Medicine
˗ Dream Foundation
˗ Economic Opportunity Commission of San Luis Obispo County
˗ Endowment for Youth Committee
˗ Ensemble Theatre Project
˗ Environmental Defense Center
˗ Food From The Heart
˗ Foundation for Santa Barbara City College
˗ Fund for Santa Barbara
˗ Future Leaders of America
˗ Ganna Walska Lotusland Foundation
˗ GenSpan Foundation
˗ Girls Incorporated of Carpinteria
˗ Greater Santa Barbara Ice Skating Association
˗ Hearts Therapeutic Equestrian Center
˗ Holden Foundation
˗ Hospice of Santa Barbara
˗ Immaculate Heart Community
˗ Institute for American Research
˗ Jessie Hopkins Hinchee Foundation
˗ Just Communities, Central Coast
˗ Lobero Theatre Foundation
˗ Lompoc Housing Assistance Corporation
˗ Lompoc Museum Associates
˗ Lompoc Music Association
˗ Lompoc Valley Chamber of Commerce Community Development Foundation
˗ Lompoc Valley Community Healthcare Organization
˗ Los Alamos School District Educational Foundation Corporation
˗ Los Padres ForestWatch
˗ Music Academy of the West
˗ National Multiple Sclerosis Society Channel Islands Chapter
˗ Nonprofit Support Center
˗ Notes For Notes
˗ Organic Soup Kitchen
˗ Pacific Pride Foundation
˗ PathPoint
˗ PCPA Foundation
˗ People for Leisure and Youth
˗ Peoples’ Self-Help Housing Corporation
˗ PUEBLO Education Fund
˗ Regents of the University of California, Santa Barbara
˗ Sansum Clinic
˗ Santa Barbara Audubon Society
˗ Santa Barbara Birth Center
˗ Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra Society
˗ Santa Barbara Channelkeeper
˗ Santa Barbara Community Youth Performing Arts Center
˗ Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum
˗ Santa Barbara Dance Alliance
˗ Santa Barbara Dance Institute
˗ Santa Barbara Education Foundation
˗ Santa Barbara Institute on World Affairs
˗ Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
˗ Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
˗ Santa Barbara NewSource
˗ Santa Barbara Performing Arts League
˗ Santa Barbara Ventura Counties Dental Care Foundation
˗ Santa Barbara Vocal Jazz Foundation
˗ Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network
˗ Santa Barbara Zoological Foundation
˗ Santa Maria Philharmonic Society
˗ Santa Maria Valley Children’s Museum
˗ Santa Maria Valley Humane Society
˗ Santa Maria Valley Young Men’s Christian Association
˗ Santa Ynez Valley Therapeutic Riding Program
˗ Second Baptist Church
˗ Solvang Heritage Associates
˗ Special Olympics Southern California
˗ State Street Ballet
˗ Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation
˗ The Outdoor School at Rancho Alegre
˗ Town Center Gallery
˗ Transition House
˗ Unity Shoppe
˗ VTC Enterprises
˗ Wilderness Youth Project
˗ Women’s Economic Ventures of Santa Barbara
˗ ySTRIVE for Youth
Community Leadership and Nonprofit Excellence – $225,000
Our investments in leadership cultivation continues to grow, with generous support from the Orfalea Foundations and Bob Emmons, and has sent countless executives to cutting edge retreats at Stanford, Courage to Lead, BoardSource and other high level centers of learning. We have also enabled roundtables to share those learnings. Organizations who have benefitted include:
˗ American Red Cross
˗ Alpha Resource Center of Santa Barbara
˗ Angels Foster Care
˗ Antioch University
˗ Aspiranet
˗ Association of Fundraising Professionals
˗ Aware & Prepare Initiative
˗ Black Women for Community Empowerment
˗ Cancer Center of Santa Barbara
˗ Carpinteria Children’s Collaborative Project at Main School
˗ Carpinteria Education Foundation
˗ Casa del Herrero Foundation
˗ Casa Dolores
˗ CASA of Santa Barbara County
˗ Casa Serena Women’s Recovery Home
˗ Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens
˗ Central Coast Literacy Council
˗ Child Abuse Listening and Meditation (CALM)
˗ Children’s Museum of Santa Barbara
˗ Citizens Planning Association
˗ Coalition Against Gun Violence
˗ Coalition for Global Dialogue
˗ Coast Caregiver Resource Center
˗ Community Action Commission
˗ Community Action Fund for Women in Africa
˗ Community Environmental Council
˗ Consumer Advocacy Coalition
˗ County-Wide Housing Conference
˗ Direct Relief International
˗ Dream Foundation
˗ Easy Lift
˗ Endowment for Youth Committee
˗ Ensemble Theatre Company
˗ Environmental Defense Center
˗ Families ACT
˗ Family Service Agency
˗ Fielding Graduate University
˗ First 5 Santa Barbara County
˗ Foodbank of SB County
˗ Foundation for Santa Barbara City College
˗ Foundation Roundtable
˗ Funding for Animal Welfare
˗ Future Leaders of America
˗ Ganna Walaska Lotusland
˗ Girl Scouts of California Central Coast
˗ Girls Inc. of Greater Santa Barbara
˗ Goleta Valley Beautiful
˗ Goleta Valley Historical Society
˗ Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Center
˗ Habitat for Humanity of So. SB County
˗ Happy House / Good Choices
˗ Hillside House
˗ Innovation Safari
˗ Isla Vista Youth Projects
˗ Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara
˗ Jodi House
˗ Just Communities
˗ La Casa de Maria
˗ Legal Aid Foundation
˗ LifeChronicles
˗ Lobero Theatre Foundation
˗ Lompoc Valley Community Healthcare Organization
˗ New Beginnings Counseling Center
˗ Nonprofit Human Services Committee effort
˗ Nonprofit Support Center
˗ Old Spanish Days
˗ Orfalea Foundations
˗ Organic Soup Kitchen
˗ Pacific Pride Foundation
˗ Palabra
˗ Peace of Wisdom Ministries
˗ People Helping People
˗ Planned Parenthood SB, Ventura & SLO Counties
˗ Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic
˗ Rental Housing Roundtable
˗ Santa Barbara African Heritage Film Series
˗ Santa Barbara Birth Center
˗ Santa Barbara Channels
˗ Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum
˗ Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society
˗ Santa Barbara Dance Alliance
˗ Santa Barbara Dance Institute
˗ Santa Barbara Family Care Center
˗ Santa Barbara International Film Festival
˗ Santa Barbara Maritime Museum
˗ Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
˗ Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics
˗ Santa Barbara Opera Association
˗ Santa Barbara Partners in Education
˗ Santa Barbara Rescue Mission
˗ Santa Barbara Symphony
˗ Santa Barbara Zoo
˗ Santa Maria Civic Theatre
˗ Santa Maria Philharmonic Society
˗ Santa Maria Valley Discovery Museum
˗ Santa Ynez Valley Humane Society
˗ SBT: The Santa Barbara Theatre
˗ Scholarship / AB540 Groups
˗ Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara
˗ Screen Actors Guild
˗ Segue Career Mentors
˗ Senior Symposium
˗ SMOOTH, Inc.
˗ Sol Food Festival
˗ Special Olympics Santa Barbara
˗ Sports Media Group
˗ Stand In The Sand
˗ Storyteller Children’s Center
˗ The Foundation, EERD (Cafe on A)
˗ The Granada
˗ The Holden Foundation
˗ Transitions Mental Health Association
˗ UCP WORK, Inc.
˗ Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara
˗ United Boys & Girls Clubs of SB County
˗ University Park Mobile Homeowners
˗ Visiting Nurse and Hospice Care of Santa Barbara
˗ Westmont College
˗ We’ve Got To Talk Community Conversation Program
˗ Wilderness Youth Project
˗ Workforce Investment Board
˗ WorldHealer
˗ YMCA, Montecito Family
˗ Youth Violence Work
Conference & Training Grants- $29,500
Strengthening our nonprofit community is among the Foundation’s highest priorities. We have expanded our funding opportunities for the people who lead the sector, offering conference opportunity grants at any time during the year to help nonprofit leaders and staff members enhance their knowledge, skills, and leadership capabilities.
˗ All For Animals
˗ Angels Foster Care of Santa Barbara
˗ Easy Lift Transportation
˗ Ensemble Theatre Project
˗ Family Care Network
˗ Foundation of Santa Barbara Regional Health Authority
˗ Goleta Valley Historical Society
˗ Hearts Adaptive Riding Program
˗ Jessie Hopkins Hinchee Foundation
˗ Jodi House
˗ Nonprofit Support Center
˗ Orcutt Area Seniors in Service
˗ Postpartum Education for Parents
˗ Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition
˗ Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
˗ Santa Barbara Channelkeeper
˗ Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum
˗ Santa Barbara Dance Institute
˗ Santa Barbara Partners in Education
˗ Santa Maria Valley Children’s Museum
˗ Santa Ynez Valley Therapeutic Riding Program
˗ Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church of Santa Ynez
˗ Solvang Heritage Associates
˗ Wilderness Youth Project
Student Aid – $1.8M was granted to the Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara to award in scholarships and loans
Special Long–Term Initiatives – $275,000
In collaboration with foundation partners, SBF has invested in several innovative approaches to neighborhood based child and family development, including the newly launched Santa Barbara County Children’s Zone, First Five of Santa Barbara and the Carpinteria Children’s Collaborative Project at Main School