Art From Scrap Welcomes Allied Waste Services As Newest Corporate Partner

Allied Waste Services of Santa Barbara has become Art From Scrap’s newest Corporate Partner in Environmental Education by making a $10,000 donation to the Santa Barbara nonprofit organization.
The Corporate Partner in Environmental Education program is a new way for corporations to show their support for Art From Scrap; the leading environmental education nonprofit in Santa Barbara County.
Allied’s generous donation will help support Art From Scrap’s Green Schools program, which educates over 12,000 students a year about the three R’s, “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”, Ocean and Creek Water Quality, School Gardens and Composting.
“Art From Scrap is an extremely effective, well-known leader in environmental education in Santa Barbara County,” said Stephen MacIntosh, Allied’s general manager. “Their programs help students understand how they can protect the environment in a way that is both engaging and interactive, and we support that all the way.”
MacIntosh, who has a long-standing history of work in environmental services and education, says the partnership is “a perfect marriage for Allied.” Allied Waste Services is invested in improving its operation and working with the community to build a more sustainable future; and recently updated more than half its collection vehicles to run on compressed natural gas.
“We commend Allied Waste Services for proving their strong commitment to environmental education and for their help in sustaining the Art From Scrap Green Schools Program,” said Cay Sanchez, Art From Scrap’s executive director.
About Art From Scrap:
Art From Scrap is Santa Barbara’s Environmental Education and Art Center. Art From Scrap provides the community with a Green Schools environmental education program, an Arts Center, and a Reuse retail store. The Watershed Resource Center is managed by Art From Scrap’s Green Schools’ environmental education program.