PUEBLO Action Fund Annual Dinner May 15th
Dear supporters,
You are cordially invited to PUEBLO Action Fund’s Annual Dinner on Sunday May 15th from 4:00pm-7:00pm at the Cabrilllo Pavillion Arts Center (1118 E. Cabrillo Blvd). Invitations will be mailed out soon with more information on speakers, honorees and sponsors.
Individual tickets cost $50 each. If you would like to attend please call the office for more information (805) 882-2484 or send an email to Hazel@sbpueblo.org .
You can also click here to buy your ticket online, simply make sure to write “Dinner” in the “Comment” section so that we know where to allot your donation.
We hope to see you there!
PUEBLO Action Fund Board and Staff
Help PUEBLO get new carpet!
Ayuda a PUEBLO a renovar el piso de nuestra oficina!
PUEBLO needs a new carpet in our office immediately and we need your help to make it happen! Our carpet is torn apart and presents a risk for some of our leaders. We had several occasions where people trip on the carpet and we do not want to wait for something tragic to happen. With a small tax deductible donation you can help PUEBLO to have a decent office floor to continue providing a working space for our leaders and other organizations.
Can we count on you to donate $10 today? Click here or write a check to PUEBLO, [114 E. Haley St. Suite E Santa Barbara,CA 93101] and write carpet on the memo.
Thank you!
PUEBLO necesita renovar el piso de nuestra oficina de Santa Barbara inmediatamente y necesitamos que nos ayude! Nuestra alfombra esta gastada y presenta un riesgo grande para algunos de nuestros liederes. Tuvimos varias ocasiones donde gente se ha tropezado y no queremos esperar hasta que alguien se caiga. Con una pequena donacion deductible nos puedes ayudar a que podamos proveer un lugar decente de trabajo a nuestros lideres y otras orgnizaciones.
Podemos contar con tu apoyo de $10 hoy mismo? Haz click aqui o manda el cheque a PUEBLO [114 E. Haley St. Suite E Santa Barbara,CA 93101] y escribe alfombra en el memo.
Community Action Training
On February 18th-20th PUEBLO sent 4 of our staff and 4 leaders to the Community Action Training (CAT) put on by the Center for Third World Organizing, CAT provides entry-level organizer training to individuals, staff, and members of community-based organizations through field work, role plays, and discussions. During this high-intensity three day training, CAT participants learn how to door-knock as a tool for recruiting and mobilizing constituents, participate in campaign development and actions, and learn to appreciate the legacy of organizing in communities of color and its relevance in today’s fight for social justice.
Tere Jurado, Santa Barbara immigration committee member said the following about the training, “I felt that the CAT training was excellent it is one of the best experiences I have had in my life, we need to bring this training to Santa Barbara and Santa Maria. The thing I liked the most from this training was the ability of the facilitating organizers and presenters to make me feel empowered and that any change in the name of social-justice can be achieved. One of the ways I will be applying what I learned in the training will be by bringing this training to our communities of Santa Barbara and Santa Maria to empower and train more members of our community.”
Consuelo Aguilar, member of Santa Maria’s immigration committee said the following about the training, “We learned theoretically and through practice. We learned how to act as an organization. We discusses long histories of abuse against workers, and how workers have organized against these abuses. Learning these stories made me wonder why we allow similar abuses to happen to us even though we are leaders. We need to be alert about things happening in our community and take action against injustices. Wherever we go we believe we can make change. There are many ways to make social change”
Entrenamiento de Accion Comunitaria
El 18-20 de Febrero llevamos 4 personas del personal de PUEBLO y 4 lideres al Entrenamiento de Accion Comunitaria (CAT), de la organizacion Center for Third World Organizing. CAT entrena a individuos, personal y miembros de organizaciones comunitarias a organizar. Durante los 3 dias los participantes aprenden a tocar puertas como herramienta de reclutar y mobilizar voluntarios, a participar en el desarrollo de campanas, y aprender como la oranizacion ha ayudado a la lucha de comunidades de color en este pais.
Tere Jurado, miembra del comité de migracion de Santa Barbara dijo esto sobre el entrenamiento, “Me pareció excelente es una de las mejores experiencias que he tenido en mi vida, ese entrenamiento lo tenemos que traer a Santa Barbara y a Santa Maria. Lo que más me justa del entrenamiento fue la capacidad de las entrenadoras para hacerme sentir que un cambio se puede llevar a cabo. Una de las maneras que voy aplicar lo que aprendí en el entrenamiento seria trayendo este entrenamiento a mi comunidad para empoderar más gente”
Consuelo Aguilar, miembra del comité de migración de Santa Maria dijo lo siguiente, “Aprendimos teologicamente y practicamente nos enseño como descubrir cuando actuar como organizacion. Se hablo de historias de grandes abusos a las personas trabajadoras, en donde estos se organizaron para parar estos abusos. Este aprendizaje me hizo pensar de por que permitimos esos abusos si somos lideres. Debemos de estar alertas de que esta pasando en nuestras comunidades para ponernos en accio y parar las acciones injustas. Donde quiera que vayamos, debemos creer que podemos cambiar lo que esta mal. Hay muchas formas para lograr un cambio social”
Welcome Laura Ronchietto, PUEBLO’s new Coalition Coordinator for the Insecurity of S-Comm Campaign
Laura Ronchietto is the new coalition coordinator for the Insecurity of Secure Communities (S-Comm) Campaign at PUEBLO. Laura is a native of Mendoza, Argentina, who was raised in Santa Barbara. After graduating from UCSB with a BA in Studio Art and a minor in History of Art and Architecture, she studied and taught yoga for many years. She became outraged at the gross injustices facing immigrants in our community, became involved with PUEBLO’s immigration committee and we now welcome her as our new Coalition Coordinator. As coalition coordinator she will facilitate and bring unity and strength of the people of Santa Barbara. Through commitment, faith, perseverance and trust the coalition will change the gross injustices that are facing our immigrant community. Programs such as S-Comm, which aim to deport everyone who is deportable, have a very damaging effect on our society. Children are left without parents, crimes go unreported and fear allows oppression to thrive. The coalition will work towards creating a stable, healthy community for our children and us by pushing back against S-Comm and unjust deportations.
Immigrant Rights Workshop with Lawyers: March 20th/
Taller Sobre los Derechos del Inmigrante con Abogados: 20 de Marzo
Sunday March 20th, 2011 at 3:00 p.m.
Domingo, 20 de Marzo, 2011 at 3:00pm
Isla Vista Teen Center, 889 Camino del Sur, Isla Vista, CA
Learn about programs that local jails are using to arrest and deport innocent immigrants!
Aprende sobre programas utilizados en nuestras carcel local que estan arrestando y deportando inmigrantes inocentes!
Community Events
1) The Democratic Party of Santa Barbara County is hosting its annual membership meeting on:
March 5th
9:30AM to 4:00PM
Goleta Valley Community Center, 5679 Hollister Avenue, Goleta
A series of workshops will be offered to members during the morning and PUEBLO Action Fund will be conducting a workshop on immigrants’ electoral power as part of the Insecurity of S-Comm campaign.
Here is the list of workshops:
-Immigration– Immigrant electoral power, and the struggle to protect the civil rights of the Santa Barbara immigrant community. Updates and action from the frontlines.(Belen Seara, PUEBLO Action Fund*)
-Winning Elections on the Ground–Field operations in an electoral campaign, skills building for winning at the local level(Darcel Elliot, Field Director Friends of Das Williams)
-Candidate Preparation–Strategies & skills required for people thinking about running for office(former Supervisor Susan Rose, former Mayor Marty Blum, Lois Phillips, PhD., author)
-Redistricting–Organizing for fair and just representation by participating in the new statewide redistricting process(Chris Lanier, CAUSE*)
-Dibs My Peeps–Advanced neighbor to neighbor organizing and hands-on base-building to strengthen our network (Tania Israel & Chris Lanier, Grassroots Organizing Committee)
-Political Fundraising–Strategies and skills building necessary to stand up to the tsunami of corporate political participation, run for office, sustain a club or organization(Geoff Green)
-Housing Density, City Planning, and Homelessness–The nuts and bolts of just, sustainable local policies that reflect our values and protect our future(Grant House, SB City Council and Mike Foley, Casa Esperanza*)
-CA State Budget–What’s in and out of the Governor’s budget, what are the alternatives, preparing for June ballot measures, an action plan for protecting our infrastructure (Mari Lopez, California Partnership*)
-Club Meetings–Organize at lunch with your favorite Democratic Club! Every club will hold meetings at lunch, as will some new ones. Includes the first meeting of the Santa Barbara Stonewall Democrats! General Session / Closing–A talk on the state of California and the nation, and a call to action.(former Assembly member, Hannah-Beth Jackson)
SPECIAL CLOSING RECEPTION will include a meet and greet Q&A with declared and potential Santa Barbara city council candidates.
RSVP: http://sbdems.org or contact us at: 805-965-8030, or email sbdems@gmail.com for further information.
* organization listed for identification purposes only.
2) Community Forum – Thursday, March 3
The Revolving Door: Moving Beyond Socks & Blankets,
Moderated by Former Assemblymember Hannah Beth Jackson
6:30pm, Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara (1535 Santa Barbara St), Parish Hall (Free)
Features a diverse panel discussing causes and solutions to homelessness. Panelists include: Dr. David Lennon (Santa Barbara County Public Health), Deedrea Edgar (Deputy Public Defender, Santa Barbara County), David Hopkins (Formerly Homeless), Jennifer Ferraez (Licensed Social Worker, Doctors Without Walls), Silvia Bernard (Good Samaritan Services), Councilmember Dale Francisco (Santa Barbara City Council), Suzanne Riordan (Co-founder SB Homeless Coalition), Wayne Mellinger (Homeless Advocate).
3) MONDAY, March 7th at 12:00PM: Defend the basic human right to organize and bargain collectively.
Press Conference in front of the County Building, and a 6PM Candlelight Vigil and Rally at De La Guerra Plaza. Details will follow soon.
Please join us for these first events in what will need to be a sustained campaign to get the facts out about public employees, and defend the basic human right to organize and bargain collectively.
4) Give your input: Redistricting March 12th
In 2008 and 2010 California voters passed ballot measures which changed the way state and federal legislative districts are drawn. The redistricting process is now conducted by an independent commission, not the state legislature. State Assembly, State Senate and US Congressional District lines will all change for the 2012 elections (based on new population data from the 2010 US Census), having a potentially great impact on how Santa Barbara is represented in Congress and in Sacramento.
– Are you interested in redistricting?
– Would you like to testify for the Citizen’s Redistricting Commission about your community and how it should be represented?
– Would you like to learn more about the redistricting process for Assembly, Senate and Congressional lines and find out how you can participate
Saturday March 12th, 2pm to 5pm
Minami Center, 600 West Enos Drive, Santa Maria, CA
5) Immigration and the Economy: Our House… Divided- March 19th
Marshall Fitz – Director of Immigration Policy, Center for American Progress
Susan Tully – National Field Director, FAIR
Saturday, March 19, 2011 10:00 to 12:30
Fe Bland Auditorium Santa Barbara City College
Bag lunch $7.00 prepaid / $10.00 at door
Information 805-453-0127
PUEBLO wants to thank to the following foundations for its recent support:
Sociological Initiatives Foundation supports a research-action collaboration between PUEBLO and the Center for New Racial Studies Department at UCSB.
Dianne Middleton Foundation supports the Promotores de Viviendas Saludables (Healthy Housing Advocates) en Santa Maria.
PUEBLO quiere agradecer a las siguientes fundaciones por su apoyo:
Sociological Initiatives Foundation apoya un proyecto colaborativo de investigacion y accion entre PUEBLO y el departamento de Nuevos Estudios Raciales de UCSB.
Dianne Middleton Foundation apoya a el programa de Promotores de Viviendas Saludables en Santa Maria.