U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Offers California Condor Hike
The guided nature hike is a rare opportunity to see California condors and other wildlife on the Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge, a refuge normally closed to public use.
Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is located along Cerro Noroeste Road, between the towns of Maricopa and Frazier Park. The hike will be from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Space is limited, so interested parties should e-mail michael_woodbridge@fws.gov to reserve a spot and receive further information, including detailed directions.
The Refuge belongs to a nationwide network of federal lands–the National Wildlife Refuge System–dedicated to the protection of wildlife habitat and wildlife species. The nation’s 553 national wildlife refuges and 38 Wetland Management Districts not only protect the nation’s natural resources, but also offer a range of wildlife-dependent recreation.
National wildlife refuges play a critical role in preserving America’s rich wildlife legacy. Without the important conservation work taking place on national wildlife refuges, the country would lose many species of plants and animals that help clean the air, filter the water, pollinate crops and help people understand their place in the natural world.
National Wildlife Refuges across the country will be holding events for National Wildlife Refuge Week. If you are traveling during Refuge Week, you can find an event near your destination by going to the Refuge System events calendar online: http://www.fws.gov/refuges/SpecialEvents/FWS_SpecialEvents_Search.cfm.
Each year, more than 44 million Americans discover the wonders of nature by visiting a wildlife refuge. There is at least one wildlife refuge in every state and one within an hour’s drive of most major cities. For more information about national wildlife refuges, to go: www.fws.gov/refuges.
More information about the California Condor Recovery Program is available by contacting the Hopper Mountain NWR Complex, at (805) 644-5185 or visiting the Refuge Complex website at: www.fws.gov/hoppermountain.