Call for Collaborative Research on California Fisheries
CFR West, the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) and California Sea Grant (CASG) are now soliciting letters of intent for projects to begin July 1, 2012. Letters of intent are due by midnight PST on January 5, 2012.
Subject to funding availability, a total of $968,000 will be available over two years to fund up to six research projects. Projects must include at least a 25% match (cash and/or in-kind) from applicants. The maximum award size will be $242,000 over the project duration of two years.
For the purposes of this call, collaborative fisheries research (CFR) is defined as an active partnership between fishermen and scientists, managers and other stakeholders, all of whom participate in designing and conducting priority research projects that will inform fisheries management decisions. Projects that are highly relevant to management, scientifically and technically robust, collaborative and engage the broader community are the highest priority. Potential research topics include, but are not limited to: biology; fisheries; methods, tools and technology; and conservation engineering. See the complete details and requirements for this call at
Project submission and review schedule
Letter of intent due: January 5, 2012 (midnight, PST)
Notice of review and recommendations for full proposals: February 27, 2012
Full proposals due: April 16, 2012 (midnight, PST)
Proposal review completed and project(s) selected: May 25, 2012 (approximate)
Notice of funding decisions: early June 2012
Projects begin: July 1, 2012
Project teams are required to contact the CFR West Executive Director, Peter Nelson, to discuss research plans and strategies for collaboration prior to submitting a letter of intent. Applicants are also encouraged to review the CFR West guiding principles at