Local Teens learn to Cook and Cater in Culinary Arts program
Classes run from January 9-March 29, 2012 at two locations: on Tuesdays at the Westside Community Center, 423 W. Victoria Street, led by Chefs Ian Trenwith and Don Hardin from Jolly Bro’s Catering and on Wednesdays at the Franklin Neighborhood Center, 1136 E. Montecito Street, led by Chef Ernie Price pf Ernie Price Catering. Hours for both sites are from 3:45-6:00pm
The teens learn basic vocational training as well as team building, leadership development, work experience preparation and community service. The hands-on program teaches them to make meals from scratch using kitchen tools and supplies. The curriculum covers bread and pasta making, sauce and dressing preparation, appetizers, main courses, and desserts. Guest professionals provide training in the art of napkin folding, floral arrangement, table setting, cake decorating, and ice sculpting. The program also includes field trips to food service companies and businesses.
The program is offered through the Neighborhood and Outreach Services section and is free due to the generous donations of Kathy VandenBerghe, Adele Davis Foundation and Bragg Health Foundation. The program is also supported by Whole Foods Market, which provides healthy organic fruits and vegetables for the classes.
For information or to receive applications, contact the program coordinator at AHo@santabarbaraca.gov.