UCSB Breaks Own Voter Registration Record
Recruits Over 11,000 New Voters for Presidential Election
Student organizations at UCSB broke their own record this week, registering over 11,000 new voters for the November 6 Presidential Election. In 2008, UCSB won the Ultimate College Bowl competition, registering around 10,800 new voters and winning a bevy of scholarships and a free concert by Death Cab for Cutie.
According to Stanley Tzankov, a UCSB alumnus volunteering with the campus’s voter registration drive, UCSB’s numbers are the highest in the UC system, and student officials are waiting for nationwide statistics.
The voter registration drive has been a school-wide effort, with members of the Residence Halls Association, Associated Students, Campus Democrats, and the External Vice President of Local Affair’s Office participating in registering voters, according to campus newspaper The Bottom Line.