The Foodbank Holiday Haulers Come to the Rescue, Again!
The Foodbank Holiday Haulers are a group of local business owners who donate time, trucks and manpower to transport food for the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County during the Holiday Food Drive. Conceived and organized by Montecito Landscape owner, Lisa Cullen, The Holiday Haulers came into being in the fall of 2009 when Lisa asked the Foodbank what was needed to ensure the Holiday Food Drive was a success.
“Organizations and individuals donate food, but the Foodbank doesn’t have the resources to pick it up,” said Lisa. “We pick up and deliver donated food during the Holiday Food Drives.”
“Helping is such fun!” “We are in our fourth year, and as more people become aware of The Holiday Haulers, they too want to help. As a result our group of volunteers keeps expanding.” explained Cullen. “These businesses take time out of their busy days to help others and for that I am grateful.”
“The Santa Barbara County Foodbank is a vital part of our community, distributing good, nutritious food to those in need, most of whom are seniors and children,” Lisa informed us. “We are able to play an important role in their mission of Ending Hunger and Transforming the Health of Santa Barbara County.”
To have a Holiday Hauler pick up your food donation this holiday season, please contact Melissa Howard at the Foodbank 967.5741 x 112 or call Lisa Cullen of Montecito Landscape at 969-3984. Or go to
This year’s Foodbank Holiday Haulers: Chris and Lisa Cullen and Leana Finley-Montecito Landscape, Bob Kingston & Pancho-All Around Landscape Supply/S&S Seeds, Derrick Yee-Abe Nursery, Tom Dolan-Toma Restaurant & Bar, Ken Olsen-McCormix, Duke McPherson-McPherson Consulting Arborist, John Gettman-Partners Imaging, Donny Meyer & Megan Phillips-Aqua-Flo Supply, John Mullins-Mission City Auto, Ken Hall-Goleta Building Materials.