Request for Community-Wide Water Conservation Efforts
The City’s Cater Water Treatment Plant treats our drinking water and provides water supplies for the City and Montecito and Carpinteria Valley Water Districts. A $20 Million Advanced Water Treatment Project is currently being constructed at the Cater Water Treatment Plant in response to more stringent federal drinking water regulations. To accommodate the Project’s construction, two three-day shutdowns of the Cater Water Treatment Plant are required and will take place January 11-13 and January 18-20, 2013.
During the shutdowns, the Cater Water Treatment Plant will not be producing water. To ensure there are ample water supplies for everyone’s essential needs, such as drinking, cooking, showering, laundry, and household cleaning, the City’s reservoirs have been filled to their maximum capacities, and we will be receiving water supplies from our neighboring water agencies.
The community is being asked to make “above and beyond” water conservation measures during the two three-day shutdowns by limiting their nonessential water use, such as watering lawns and gardens, washing cars, and refilling swimming pools.
For further information on the planned Cater shutdowns, please contact Catherine Taylor, Water System Manager, at or (805) 564-5379.