Women of Inspiration Event to Feature Global Education Activist Girls Incorporated of Carpinteria Honors Local Women Leaders
The event honors local women leaders for their many accomplishments and contributions. This year’s inspirational honorees are Beth Cox, Dorothy Largay and Pamela Lewis.
Sarah Elizabeth Ippel, founder and executive director of the Academy for Global Citizenship (AGC), will deliver the keynote at the luncheon. The AGC is a Chicago Public Elementary School that opened in 2008, on the city’s underserved Southwest side, whose mission is to empower children to become activeglobalcitizensbypositivelyimpactingtheircommunityandtheworldbeyond. “Atthisyear’s annual Women of Inspiration luncheon we will honor a trio of remarkable women and hear from the founder of one of the most innovative and exciting public charter schools in the U.S…This is a can’t miss event,” said Craig Price, Board of Trustees, Girls Inc of Carpinteria.
This year’s honorees—Beth Cox- of Cohn Stewart, Dorothy Largay- Founder and CEO of Linked Foundation and Pamela Lewis- Executive Director of the Hutton Parker Foundation, all embody the Girls Inc. philosophy of strong, smart and bold women. Sarah Elizabeth believes the time is now to address our nation’s urgent demand for change in education, the environment and opportunities for women. “We are delighted to have Sarah Elizabeth join us in honoring women and girls from the community who share her courage and tenacity in achieving their own goals,” said Nini Seaman, event co-chair and Board of Trustees, Girls Inc of Carpinteria.
The event will be held at Girls Incorporated of Carpinteria at 5315 Foothill Road, Carpinteria. Tickets are $70 each. For more information about the event, visit: http://www.girlsinc-carp.org/events_inspiration.html.
About Girls Incorporated of Carpinteria:
Girls Incorporated is a nonprofit organization that inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold and seeks to empower girls and women to achieve personal, social, economic and political success. We provide programs for girls 5 to 18 years old that focus on science, math, and technology; college and careers; health; financial literacy; sports skills; leadership and advocacy; and media literacy. Call (805) 684-6364 or visit www.girlsinc-carp.org.