Santa Barbara Crime Blotter, 4/25 – 5/1
Man Mugged on Haley Street; Subjects Fight with Roundhouse Kicks and Metal Chains
4/25; 12:30 p.m.; 1727 State Street: Police arrested a man at a pawn shop. According to the report, he appeared “lethargic” and under the influence of opiates. Upon search of the man, officers found a syringe and a ring that the man was pawning. The man later admitted that the ring was stolen.
4/26; 10:19 p.m.; 2000 Moore Road: Police pulled over a black SUV and noticed an “overwhelming” odor of marijuana emanating from the vehicle. Police found 1.5 pounds of marijuana in plain view in the back seat of the car within reach of the suspect’s 10-month-old child. The man was arrested and booked in County Jail.
4/27; 5:20 a.m.; 8 South Milpas Road: A man was arrested for “wandering around a gas station with no pants or underwear.”
4/28; 4:25 a.m.; 900 East Haley Street: A man was mugged by “5 or 6” people and robbed of his wallet and cell phone. One of the muggers reportedly brandished a knife, and another claimed to have a gun. Shortly after the robbery, police found a man matching the description of the person who brandished the knife. The victim identified the suspect, and he was arrested.
4/28; 1:20 p.m.; 130 East Cota Street: A man allegedly hit another man with a metal chain three times because the victim had attempted to roundhouse kick him in the face.
4/28; 2:45 p.m.; 601 Anapamu Street: Police arrested a naked woman in the parking lot of her apartment building. She claimed that she was using the building’s spa.
4/28; 2:55 p.m.; 600 East Haley Street: A woman asked for a man’s cell phone. When he asked for it back, the woman kicked the man in the face. The man got up again and was hit in the face with a metal coffee cup. Somebody who witnessed the robbery identified the suspect and she was arrested.
4/30; 3:45 p.m.; Cabrillo and Milpas streets: Police responded to a call of a break-in at Motel 6. A woman allegedly broke into a room, used the shower, and stole a blanket. She was found near the scene and identified by a witness.