The XXVIII Amendment
Campaign donations must stop in order to save representational democracy. Not reform but an amendment is what we need, that eliminates any form of gift to candidates for public office by any entity as well as a prohibition of any type of gift to elected officials or government employees. Finally, the amendment turns aside the moronic, anti-constitutional, Citizens United decision.
Campaign financing is legal bribery. Bribery is the giving of some material value to get a certain word, action, or vote to promote a special interest, not the common interest of a healthy, happy, educated populace. It, clearly, has diminished the citizenry’s voice and made for an unhealthy democracy and economy as well as an unhealthy environment.
I realize that a voice without money will, probably, not be heard in our present state of affairs. Nevertheless, here I have stated an obvious truth. It would be excellent on the part of the Democratic Party and the Obama administration to propose a grassroots movement to achieve the XXVIII Amendment to the constitution as outlined here above.