Volunteers Needed to Help Local Seniors
“Just a little of your time can make a big difference in someone’s life,” says Naomi Kovacs, Executive Director of Santa Barbara Village. “Even something that seems so simple, like help changing a light bulb or preparing a meal, or getting a ride to an appointment, can make all the difference to someone.”
“Volunteering isn’t just for our members, it really is also for our volunteers, who enjoy it and who also benefit from it,” explains Dan Wozniak, Membership & Volunteer Coordinator. “Many of our volunteers say they feel that they’re ‘paying it forward’ by volunteering with us,” adds Kovacs. “They know they’ll need help when they get older, and hope that people will be there to help them when they need it.”
Imagine wanting to stay independent as you age, and having to give up your driver’s license. How will you get around? What if the difference between staying in your home versus moving into a facility was simply getting a helping hand with some of the tasks of daily living and home upkeep that many younger people take for granted? What if by simply offering a helping hand with some basic tasks, YOU could make that difference for someone?
Santa Barbara Village is seeking volunteers to help its members with things like giving rides to appointments and events, assisting in grocery shopping, performing simple household chores, helping with meal preparation, providing friendly social visits and calls, taking walks, and more.
People who are interested in volunteering or in finding out more about the opportunity to do so are invited to a special volunteer recruitment event:
Volunteer Recruitment Event
Monday, August 19, 2013
@ 524 Chapala St., Santa Barbara
Pizza & drinks provided
For those who are interested in volunteering, but are unable to attend this event, individual sessions can be scheduled with the Village’s Volunteer Coordinator.
All volunteers must be 18 years or older and pass a criminal background check. Volunteer drivers must also pass a DMV check and provide proof of auto insurance coverage.
To RSVP or to set up an individual session, contact Dan Wozniak of Santa Barbara Village: dan@sbvillage.org or (805) 729-5038.
For more information on Santa Barbara Village, visit: www.SBVillage.org
Santa Barbara Village is a non-profit, non-denominational membership organization working under the fiscal sponsorship of the Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara. The organizations helps people aged 50 & better to remain independent and living at home (‘age in place’) successfully for as long as possible.