Faithful Infidels
I so enjoyed Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper in David O. Russell’s Silver Linings Playbook that I just went with a friend to see his most recent film, American Hustle, at the Plaza de Oro theater. Can somebody please, please explain to us (since neither of us had a clue) what happened in the film? So far over our heads, I don’t think we could touch it with the tallest of tall ladders! At least I certainly couldn’t! I suppose it didn’t help that I left in its middle to buy a tub of popcorn because I suddenly felt hungry.
But anyway, despite my overall confusion, I loved that Amy Adam’s character never actually slept with Bradley Cooper’s — that she remained loyal to the man she really loved, the character of Christian Bale who, despite his belly (and what a belly he had), and outrageous hair (or lack thereof), proved an infinitely more engaging, honest, and sensitive soul (gross criminal that he was). But the question remains, did he remain loyal to her? Indeed, did he really remain loyal to his mistress and refuse the advances of his wife, Jennifer Lawrence’s character, in that bedroom? Would you have? Would you have stayed “loyal” to your mistress with a wife looking like Jennifer Lawrence?
Ah, Christian Bale. Golden Globes. January 12th! Actually, I’ve been reading rave reviews about a certain Mr. Barkhad Abdi in Paul Greengrass’s Captain Phillips, which I have yet to see. Movies. Movies. Movies. Don’t get me started — or rather just let me stop. Oy vey! Enough already!