Genis Justice
The powers that be have engineered the vicious paradigm of “public” justice in which the state provides the police, prosecutors, judges, juries, penitentiaries, etc. The 18th-century English barrister William Garrow is credited with coining the phrase “innocent until proven guilty,” but the present court/justice system has more in common with Napoleonic code, which considers you guilty until proven innocent. And things may get steadily worse. (Take the blatantly unconstitutional asset forfeiture laws, for instance.)
I know a great number of lawyers, none of whom, with one or two exceptions, I would care to be associated with. I wish I knew Darryl Genis as I would be proud to shake his hand.
Speaking from personal experience, I can assure readers that “Star Chamber” justice is alive and well here in Santa Barbara. I would have called it “Kangaroo Justice,” but didn’t want to insult the kangaroos.
William Garrow represented unpopular defendants and suffered establishment wrath, much as Darryl Genis is going through today.
Good luck with your appeal, Darryl; your stance is greatly appreciated.