Andrew Firestone Applies for Board Position in Goleta School District
Decision Will Be Made Monday After Round of Interviews

Andrew Firestone, the son of former Santa Barbara County Supervisor Brooks Firestone and the third bachelor in the ABC reality series The Bachelor, is among six applicants who have applied to become an interim boardmember of the Goleta Union School District.
The district put out the call for a replacement following Pam Kinsley’s recent departure for “personal reasons.” The board plans to make a decision next Monday after a round of interviews and background checks, said Superintendent Bill Banning. The other applicants include Therese Adame, Nancy Knight, Doug Martin, Luz Reyes-Martin, and Alexander Saunders.
A Santa Barbara native, 38-year-old Firestone has a child who will attend kindergarten within the Goleta Unified School District. He also has an address that is within the attendance area of the elementary school district.
At Wednesday night’s board meeting, trustees finalized a set of questions to ask candidates next week. The chosen interim boardmember will be eligible to run for the next four year term in 2014. Two current boardmembers, Rich Mayer and Valerie Kushnerov, are also up for reelection. Kushnerov has said publically that she will not run again. The deadline to apply for the next full term is in August.