Santa Barbara Harbor Nautical Swap Meet Set for May 10th
The City of Santa Barbara’s 8th Annual Harbor Nautical Swap Meet will take place Saturday, May 10th in the Marina 3 parking lot. Come to buy, sell, peruse or just enjoy good company, coffee and donuts at this unique and popular event. Vendor spaces are $10 each, and admission for the public is free. Typical sales include sailboat rigging, fishing gear, outboard motors, surfboards, kayaks and all manner of boat parts. The event is sponsored by the City of Santa Barbara Waterfront Department and the Harbor Merchants Association.
Signups for vendor spaces (each the size of a parking stall) began Monday, April 7th. There are two ways to register as a vendor:
1. Stop by the Santa Barbara Harbormaster’s Office and fill out a registration form in person; or
2. Download a registration form at Fill it out and mail the registration form and fees to: City of Santa Barbara, Harbormaster’s Office, 132-A Harbor Way, Santa Barbara CA 93109.
Questions? Call Kathy Sangster, Waterfront Administrative Supervisor, at 805-897-1963 or email her at