Widening the 101
The following is a recent discussion before the city counsel meeting:
Helene Schneider: Gee, it’s a little noisy in here. Can we close the doors?
Bendy White: Yes, it’s a little dark in here also. Can we turn on some more lights?
Cathy Murillo: Don’t you two see all the people jammed in here protesting?
HS: What people?
BW: You mean all those people carrying signs, “JUST DO IT!”?
CM: Everyone is yelling, just get the much-needed project done.
HS: Oh, you mean the freeway widening? That’s not due for discussion until 2020.
BW: Can we get those people away from the windows? They are blocking the light.
CM: We need to look at the big picture: Everyone is complaining about the archaic two-lane freeway.
HS: Oh, never mind them. Someone is always complaining.
BW: Okay, we need some more light in here.
CM: Well, there’s an 800-pound gorilla in the room!
HS: Okay, let’s table this issue until 2024.
BW: I agree!