Behind the Beagle
It’s a shame many dog owners seem to think it’s not their problem to deal with their dog’s leave-behinds. The beaches, parks, and trails are littered with hundreds of bags of poop. That is not how you pick up after your dog. You actually have to take that bag with you (hello, I’m talking to the lady with the beagle on Sunday morning at Miramar beach).
I would like to also add that dog walkers should please bring a leash to public spaces (County Code 26-49 and 49.1). Many of us are not as enthusiastic about your hound urinating and/or chewing on our belongings. But dog owners seem to already be unable to grasp the “taking away” part of the poop bag. A good start for canine owners might be to pick up after their dog, then grab and dispose of another should they come across one. (If I ever saw that happen, my faith in “dog people” would begin to strengthen.)
Please have some common courtesy if you insist on bringing your domesticated carnivore with you everywhere you go. Just do what you’re supposed to do. Please?