Danger to Kids and Bikes on Micheltorena
As a mother who resided at Micheltorena near Bath for five years and whose son ended up in the emergency room after an auto versus bike collision, I challenge the safety of mixing school-age children with the heavy traffic on Micheltorena.
Although a portion of the dedicated cycling commuters from the Westside clamor to remain on the speedier, narrower, more heavily traveled Micheltorena route, the less-traveled, wider Sola Street route (with fewer businesses and large residences) makes more sense as a bikeway for the full spectrum of Santa Barbara riders, as well as for the motorists who wish to avoid colliding with them.
The city recently installed a stop sign on Bath Street —on the block above Micheltorena. Installing another stop sign along with flashing lights on the block below Micheltorena — where De la Vina crosses Sola — will give cyclists the opportunity chance to cross safely after stopping themselves.