The Real Peter Adam
Who is the real Peter Adam?
He ran for office as a Tea Party conservative … the kind of guy you can get behind if you’re anti-government spending, and pro-military, pro-law and order, and pro-secure borders.
But once Peter Adam was elected, he tripled the size of his predecessor’s office, kicking out the Veterans Affairs office to make room, and blowing through $42,000 in taxpayer-funded renovations. Guess he had to make room for that extra-large staff he hired at taxpayer expense and showered with perks like a car allowance and salaries up to six figures. I guess Peter Adam is against government spending, except for government spending on Peter Adam.
When the other four supervisors make purchases to donate to charities like Toys for Tots, they do it with their own money. Peter Adam uses taxpayer money for these purchases and credits himself, not the taxpayers for the gifts. Jeez, Peter, if you need me to loan you 50 bucks, just ask.
Then there was the time Peter accused the other supervisors of giving themselves a raise while not doing their job. He even voted against it. Bravo! But when no one was looking, he took the money and continues to cash that check.
So he’d accept a raise for himself, but not for sheriff’s deputies. Peter Adam blew off concerns about law enforcement staffing even in the midst of a North County crime wave. In January alone, Santa Maria saw more murders than Oakland, Sacramento, and San Jose … combined. But you don’t hear ol’ Peter Adam talking much about law and order these days.
Maybe that’s because Immigration & Customs Enforcement opened an active criminal investigation. In December 2015, his business had to lay off hundreds of workers for not having proper documentation to work legally. Who knows what else the criminal investigation will find? Guess that’s why he said “I refuse to believe” a recent report about farmworker conditions in the county, too. These are sensitive topics for our man Pete.
But at least Peter Adam is strong on his one and only issue: funding infrastructure like roads and building repairs. Right? Oops, no, it turns out he voted against taking action on his own issue.
So who is Peter Adam really? It’s hard to say. But I can tell you who he isn’t. He isn’t the right man for the job. I’m voting for Eddie Ozeta for 4th District supervisor.