No Respect
Aspiring politician Justin Fareed is off to a horrible start. What could have been an inspiring candidate is nothing more than a spoiled rich kid bypassing hard work to buy his way into a job. News flash: Congress isn’t for kids. And it’s becoming very apparent that Justin is absolutely unprepared for the responsibility.
From the start, Justin’s campaign has been riddled with red flags. From backpedaling on his commitment to attend the first Republican debate of the entire campaign season and instead attending the UCLA vs. Cal football game (and sending his representative to say he had “a prior family commitment”), to actively ill-speaking about his opponents from day one, to his latest snub of Republican frontrunner Katcho Achadjian with a campaign ad that transcends “negative” and dives headfirst into “slimy,” Justin does not belong in Congress. I would expect this sort of behavior from the Establishment, not “the next generation.” If this is the “next generation leadership” he so adamantly promotes, I want nothing to do with it.
Justin may appear like a young man with bright ideas, but listen to him speak more than once and you instantly recognize lengthy answers comprised of nothing more than empty rhetoric – the very thing he claims is wrong with Congress. But what else would you expect from an empty suit? At least he’s consistent there.
Justin and his parents may be able to buy his campaign, but money doesn’t buy dignity, and it surely doesn’t buy my respect.