Facts Not Fiction
Mission Heritage Trails Association (MHTA) sent out negative letters stating that the Coalition to Preserve Mission Canyon is misleading the public in regard to the proposed west side pedestrian bridge over Mission Creek.
MHTA wants everyone to believe that the roads, East Los Olivos Street and Mission Canyon Road, will not be straightened. The Coalition stated that the roads will be straightened and speeds will increase, resulting in decreased safety.
City Public Works shows the Coalition is correct. Public Works has written for the City Council hearing on Tuesday, June 21 regarding the Mission Creek bridge, “the straightening of the approach roadways could result in higher vehicle speeds near the bridge”
Write to the City Council to not fund any part of any changes to the Mission Creek bridge area in regard to the proposed west side pedestrian bridge. Too many historic resources have to be changed without guarantee of safety.
The bottom of the Alameda Padre Serra triangle by the Old Mission is where the most accidents occur, all minor, but the most. This should be addressed first.
As for the American’s with Disability Act, it is the Old Mission and Mission Historic Park that needs ADA access. A wheelchair cannot cross the street at Laguna and East Los Olivos streets.
Let’s have an honest community discussion on how to have universal access, safety, and save our historic resources.