Rodeo Rawhide
I am against the rodeo. Bulls, steers, and horses are routinely jabbed with electric prods, girdled with tightly cinched belts that pinch the groin area to make the animals buck and exhibit wild behavior so that these cowardly men will look courageous. They say they love their animals, but this behavior does not show that. Severe injuries to animals include broken ribs, broken legs, massive bruising, and internal bleeding. Calves are roped around the neck while they are running in fear, their legs are tied up, and they are throw to the ground.
These are “live” animals, not stuffed toys. Tormenting animals while spectators cheer is not entertainment. It takes us back to the Romans cheering while lions tore men apart.
Ghandi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Shame on Earl Warren Showgrounds for hosting this evewnt. There are other things to do at Fiesta: Go to the parades, shop, go to MacKenzie Park, but don’t pay to see animals abused. Instead, join me to help the animals on Thursday-Saturday, August 4-6 at 6:30 p.m. and on Sunday, August 7 at 1 p.m. We will meet on the corner of Calle Real and Las Positas.
Sheryl Thomas is a member of PETA.