Why 9/11 Matters
It has been 15 years since 9/11 happened. And when it comes to historical significance, 9/11 is unquestionably one of the most significant events of all times.
But, have we learned anything from 9/11? Do we remember it for its own sake, but also how we can prevent anything like it from happening again? Do we remember how our nation stood united against the threat of Islamic terrorism? Do we remember how our leaders, the media, and the president kept us informed and worked to protect America?
How are we faring today against the threat of Islamic terrorism? Poorly. Islamic terrorism is spreading throughout the Middle East, the world, and even rearing its ugly head in the United States. And the president and Democrats approved a disastrous agreement with the Islamic State of Iran that guaranteed it gets nukes. This puts Israel in grave danger, and America is Iran’s main target.
But why are things going so badly in the war against Islamic terrorism? Because the president and politicians don’t understand the enemy, won’t name it, and have no real plan to stop or eradicate the threat. They, along with the mainstream media are hiding facts and not telling us that we are engaged in a very dangerous, long war. Even more frightening, the current administration has “pared” back our military to a size smaller than at any time since WWII. This is insane, stupid, and treasonous.
As we hold our November elections, vote wisely, America. We need a president who believes in and will unite America. And one who will win the war against Islamic terrorism.
God, bless America.