Money and Politics
People keep talking about the amount of outside money that’s being spent in this race, and I completely agree. We should be talking about the outside money.
For instance, has anyone asked Salud Carbajal about the nearly $2.5 million that has been poured into this race in support of him by only two super PACs that are known to be run by the Democrat establishment?
Or what about all the money he has received by people in the construction business, whose contributions often seem to correlate with the passage of certain permits (that Salud is, coincidently, has a hand in giving out)?
Or what about the fact that almost all of Salud’s investors are establishment figures and political insiders who have backed him from the start, knowing that they can and will control his every move in Congress?
The outside money in this race is incredibly revealing, and while Salud is in the establishment’s back pockets, Justin Fareed has earned the investments of real people and true supporters who are ready to join him on his mission to bring a real voice for us to Congress.