Good Riddance
On reading the Independent‘s November 16, 2017, print article about local businessman James Gelb, I think it’s unconscionable that someone could stoop so low as does he in disparaging a member of the local LGBTQ community by shamefully calling them a “fag” and a “faggot,” especially when Gelb’s own brother was gay and died of AIDS. This type of anti-gay bigotry only fuels discrimination, harassment, violence, and hatred of the LGBTQ community.
Similarly, it’s disheartening that someone could be as shallow and foolish as Gelb to boast about himself stating that others, “are very jealous [of me]. I have real fancy, expensive cars. I go to Holdren’s five nights a week. I date young women in their twenties. I’m in my sixties.” As if these ridiculous, self-centered claims somehow make him an admirable person.
I hope that all right-thinking Santa Barbarans will join me in bidding good riddance to this bigoted, self-centered old fool and pity his next stop of Seattle.