A Worldwide Immigration Problem
The industrialized world’s entire immigration system, with the exception of some countries, is a disaster. The world’s leaders know nothing more than hand wringing and bizarre temporary stop-measures. The industrialized world cannot solve the social and economic problems of the “have not” counties by having open borders.
This flood will only get worse. The people in this and other countries will not stand for unlimited illegal immigration forever. They will move to the right!
This will get worse in Europe and here and it will drive more and more voters to the right. It is happening here and in Europe. Take for instance the recent report at Reuters about two ships sailing under the Dutch flag and carrying migrants that were turned away from Italy.
People are afraid of losing their country’s identity to hordes of refugees and in some areas of some countries, it has already happened.
The fact is that Western Europe, the U.S., and other prosperous countries don’t have a prayer in solving the social and economic problems of the rest of the world. Look at us here in California, especially in Los Angeles: The horrible homeless problem has only gotten worse. There is no getting better in sight.
We are fortunate in the U.S. because, by and large, the only people trying to enter are from Central and South America. For Europe, it involves the Mid East and all of Africa, which hold some of the poorest regions in the world.
The entire refugee movement is becoming a tsunami, and tsunamis are almost impossible to defend against!
Governments in worldwide are perplexed by the immensity of the problem and don’t really know what to do. Separating children from illegal immigrants who make it onto our soil is not going to solve anything. It will produce thousands of traumatized kids and angry parents.
In my opinion, this is only the beginning of a mass Exodus that will take place for years to come.