An open letter to the Texas Lieutenant Governor and to those in present administration who espouse similar views:

How dare you put the almighty dollar ahead of lives! How dare you to imply or suggest that I, as a senior citizen, have become irrelevant, a burden to society! How dare you say that we should get out of the way for the financial well-being of future generations! How dare you put us on the economic altar!

So go ahead, open the ovens of the coronavirus and while we march into them be sure to play Wagner’s  Valkyrie.

Unlike your glorious leader, I did not have a bone spur; in fact I was not drafted, I volunteered to serve in Vietnam, two terms even. I have worked hard all my life, paid my taxes. My deceased partner and I formed a nonprofit foundation to house homeless youth. Yes, my turn will come to exit this earth, but I am still a contributing member of our society, if nothing else to share what I have learned so future generations do not repeat our mistakes.

I took care of our parents, I looked after them, I was there for them. I respected them even If I did not always agree with them. I would have never even thought for them to leave so I could be better off financially.

What kind of persons have you become, what kind of a monster are you?

A society is judged by how it looks after all its citizens. We all need to look after each other, help one another. We are all in the same boat regardless of our color, our age, our educational level, our financial situation, our creed, our religion, our sexual orientation, our beliefs.

It is said money is the source of all evil. Don’t warrant that saying, don’t confirm it. Heed the advice of those in the know and let us pull together in this crisis without sacrificing anyone.


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