Santa Barbara Bus System Seeks Feedback Regarding Future Use
Public Survey Addresses Impact of COVID-19 on Metropolitan Transit District
The Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (MTD) released a community survey inquiring about public transit changes as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Santa Barbara MTD hopes to receive responses from current, former, and potential future bus users. This data will be used to best serve the Santa Barbara community during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the future.
Specifically, the survey seeks to understand the experiences of and past, current, and future bus riders. It also addresses the comfort level of bus riders following the Santa Barbara MTD’s initial actions of increased disinfection procedure, required face coverings, rear-door boarding, and reduced and suspended service on bus lines.
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Santa Barbara MTD’s survey allows respondents to rank the suspended bus lines in order of personal importance to help prioritize the restoration of their service. Survey responses will be assessed in conjunction with the financial implications of operating a line and workforce constraints.
Generally, Santa Barbara MTD issues annual service changes in August. This will remain in effect regardless of COVID-19. According to Santa Barbara MTB, on August 17 limited service will resume on Line 15x and Line 28, performance fixes are scheduled for Lines 12x, 20, 24x, and 28, and routing changes will occur on booster lines 2740 AM and PM and 2660 PM.
The survey is available in both English and Spanish.
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