Preventing Global Crisis
Under the conditions we are now living, our concept of “community” must expand to more than the people living within the same area code. We need to start considering our global community because that’s the only way we can expect to resolve the dangers we face today and the dangers we expect to face in the future.
The International Affairs Budget is at risk of significant funding cuts that contribute to those living in poverty around the world. Why should this matter to the Santa Barbara community? Not only do we have the ability to impact a major decision during a time where we feel as if we are helpless spectators, but if we encourage our leaders to support increased funding for the International Affairs Budget, we ultimately will be investing in a very positive return for living conditions in this country.
The International Affairs Budget is aimed at fighting pandemic diseases and promoting stability in countries around the world, which then improves national security in the United States of America. Representative Salud Carbajal has been very active in supporting bills that matter beyond just one county, such as recognizing the importance of climate change, which cannot be solved only by making efforts in Santa Barbara but will ultimately still have great benefits for our community.
The International Affairs budget makes efforts toward helping people globally. By doing that, we can improve as a country and as a city. COVID-19 proves to the world just how connected we are. If something must be solved, we must solve it together and for the sake of everyone. We must support our congressional leaders by urging them to protect what matters to us, and protecting the International Affairs Budget really does matter.