Out of the Frying Pan
The claim made by Chad Walker of Vaquero Energy in his letter to the editor that renewable energy caused California’s rolling blackouts this summer is dead wrong. Check out the November 10, 2020, webinar “What’s brewing with CAISO’s markets and grid operations?” at clean-coalition.org under the events tab. It featured the analysis of Loretta Lynch, former president of California’s PUC. After you hear it, you will want to call the State Attorney General demanding that they investigate the market corruption that pervades the complicated and obscure electricity markets.
We need more renewable electricity, and long term hydrogen storage can make that possible. A webinar on “Long-Duration Energy Storage: Key to Achieving SB 100” by scientists from Cal-Tech, NREL and UCI showed the importance of underground hydrogen storage in reaching a 100 percent renewable electricity supply. The research brief and their full report can be found at new-energy-options.org. The webinar can be found under the events tab at californiahydrogen.org.
Please call your congressman to urge that underground hydrogen storage is a key part of the Biden energy plan to allow renewable energy to rapidly expand. It is time for bold action on climate change!